CAOS Subproject B

  • contact:

    Dr. Sina Keller

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hinz

  • project group:

    German-Luxembourgian-Austrian Research Unit

  • funding:


  • Partner:

    Subproject B: University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth- and Environmental Sciences (Prof. J. Tronicke)


  • startdate:


  • enddate:


CAOS-Subproject B: Non-invasive geophysical and remote sensing methods to map and characterize relevant structures and processes

One objective of the CAOS project is to identify potential links between remote signatures and subsurface processes related to geophysical methods and soil moisture probing.

In the subproject B, this task is implemented by an installation of an experimental field laboratory. The field laboratory consists of a cable car equipped with different remote sensors. By using these sensors a variety of high-resolution remote sensing experiments including the monitoring of artificial and natural infiltration events are conducted. Within this experimental design the evaluation of the aimed objective is ensured by combing remote sensing data with geophysical observations along pre-selected profiles and the point-based, measured ground trothing data.

Objectives within the remote-sensing part of the subproject B are:

Link to the CAOS Project Website