Vorträge von Patrick Erik Bradley

  1. Heavy-tailed distributions for building stock data. ILUS International Land Use Symposium 2017. 1. bis 3. November 2017, Dresden.

  2. Ultrametricity indices for the Euclidean and Boolean hypercubes. In: International Conference on p-ADIC MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS p-ADICS.2015, 07-12.09.2015, Belgrade, Serbia

  3. Supporting Data Analytics for Smart Cities: An Overview of Data Models and Topology. In The Third International Symposium on Statistical Learning and Data Sciences, 20-23 April, 2015, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

  4. Finding the assymptotically optimal Baire distance for multi-channel data. In: p-Adic Methods for Modelling of Complex Systems, 15-20 April, 2013, Bielefeld

  5. Baire distance and feature ranking in classification (mit Andreas Braun). In: International Classification Conference 2011, 11-15 July 2011, St. Andrews, Schottland

  6. p-adic methods in stereo vision. In: 34th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl) and International Symposium on the Data Analysis Interface, Karlsruhe, July 21 -23, 2010

  7. Some p-adic classification algorithms. In: p-ADIC MATHPHYS.2009, 20. bis 26. September 2009, Hrodna, Belarus.

  8. p-adic Gromov-Witten invariants. In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2008, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 14. bis 20. September 2008.

  9. Counting plane Mumford curves. In: 5th MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS MEETING: Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics, 6-17 July 2008, Belgrade, Serbia.

  10. Mumford dendrograms and discrete p-adic symmetries. In: p-ADIC MATHPHYS.2007, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, October 1-6 2007.

  11. Families of dendrograms. In: The 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications, Freiburg im Breisgau, 7-9 März 2007.

  12. Mathematische Methoden in der Architektur. In: ifib Symposium 2007 - Abschiedsvorlesung zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. ès. sc. techn. Niklaus Kohler, Universität Karlsruhe, 15. Februar 2007.

  13. Uniformization des orbifolds p-adiques. In: Séminaire GT3, IRMA Strasbourg, 22. Januar 2007.

  14. Nonarchimedean trees. In: Dritter Karlsruher Weihnachtsworkshop zur Algebraischen Geometrie, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Mathematisches Institut II, 20-22 Dezember 2005.

  15. Zur Klassifizierung p-adischer diskreter Untergruppen von PGL2(Cp). In: Zweiter Karlsruher Weihnachtsworkshop zur Algebraischen Geometrie, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Mathematisches Institut II, 21. und 22. Dezember 2004.

  16. p-adic Hurwitz spaces. In: Automorphisms of Curves. Workshop in Leiden (NL), 16-20 August 2004.

  17. Topological Houses (mit Norbert Paul). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (ikm 2003), 10-12 Juni 2003, Bauhaus University Weimar.

  18. p-adische Hurwitzräume. In: DMV-Jahrestagung 2002, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 15-21 September 2002.